ناستي باد بلود

SAR 75

: الخصائص

مخصص لاجهزة الشيشة الالكترونية

النكهة : توت اسود ونعناع

الوزن : 0.14 كجم

 4.3 × 4.3 × 11 : الابعاد

سعة العبوة : 60 مل

نسبة المزج: 70 في جي / 30 بي جي

قوة النيكوتين:  3 مجم ، 6 مجم

المعلومات: 100٪ خالي من الديكيتون (ثنائي أسيتيل وأسيتيل)

Earn up to 75 points.
رمز المنتج: #00248 التصنيف:


ناستي باد بلود

 ناستي باد بلود أحد أكثر نكهات الفواكه رواجًا في جميع أنحاء العالم ، وهو الكشمش الأسود الحلو الطازج الذي يغمره النكهة ويرش عليها بأوراق النعناع الباردة لتجعلك منتعشًا وترغب في المزيد

Bad Blood is One of the most sought-after fruity flavours worldwide The freshly picked sweet blackcurrant that are bursting with flavour and sprinkled them with cool mint leaves to leave you refreshed and wanting more.

Bad Blood is Blackcurrant with mint. VG/PG 70/30.


There are over 1.1 billion smokers addicted to a fatal habit. 4 out of 5 of them live in low and middle-income countries where the challenges of daily survival supersedes health care. Now imagine a solution that could prevent over 7 million deaths annually and help hundreds of millions of people live healthier and more productive lives.

This is nasty mission.

To develop and deliver a continuously improving ecosystem of solutions that evolves with the ever changing needs of smokers.

Why do nasty do this?

To help as many people as possible be the best version of themselves. So they can, in every sense of the word, be more. And that’s also what we do at NASTY each day – continuously improving and innovating, to be more for you.


NASTY Worldwide was founded in 2015 in Tamping.

Nasty  – for vape Malaysia and began as an e-liquid manufacturer. Focusing on R&D of trend-setting flavors and fresh brand designs, NASTY quickly began penetrating markets and garnering a large following across Europe and the Americas with its award-winning creations.

Nasty Bad Blood


 *This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical and is not for underage use. nasty and other e-liquids devices are for ages 21+ only.

For mor DL flavors click here


معلومات إضافية


3 MG, 6 MG
